Espace de retraite de yoga, de méditation et de bien-être

Nourrissez votre esprit, votre corps et votre âme à La Jariette. Située à l'orée d'un paisible village français, au cœur de la campagne, La Jariette vous offre le lieu idéal pour vous détendre, lâcher prise, vous connecter à la nature et respirer. Prenez soin de votre corps avec des plats cuisinés maison, une grande piscine chauffée, un jacuzzi chaud et un sauna à vapeur. Séjournez dans notre manoir français magnifiquement rénové ou dans notre gîte tout aussi merveilleusement restauré et doté de caractéristiques originales. Pratiquez votre yoga et la méditation dans notre grange de yoga sur mesure. 

Nous accueillons également les demandes des professeurs de yoga, de méditation et de bien-être à la recherche d'un nouveau lieu de retraite - veuillez nous contacter pour plus d'informations.



December 2021


We were lucky enough to have Jon's daughters over just in time to cover the field with well-rotted cow manure, an important element in creating the right environment to grow healthy vines. This manure spent the winter settling  and was then ploughed into the soil in  March 2022.

April 2022


In order to encourage greater biodiversity we planted over 33 different varieties of wild flower around the perimeter of our vineyard.

Our grapes will benefit from a diverse range of insects in several ways: greater biodiversity helps maintain a natural balance between helpful and less helpful wildlife, insects bring natural yeasts to the grapes, which in turn will enable natural fermentation without the need to add any additional yeast, and healthy vines need healthy soil, and this relies on a healthy ecosystem. 

May 2022


The positioning of 200 acacia trellis posts and 50 chestnut fence posts completed the next stage of our vineyard preparation. Every post was put in by hand, as Jon's back can still attest to! We were very thankful for the help our friends Steve and Michelle gave us at this time.

The perimeter fence is needed to deter the local 'sangliers', the wild boars that roam this area, and to keep out the small deer who love nothing more than a mouthful of fresh baby vine shoots.

October 2022

Planting began in this unusually sunny and warm month. We collected the Artaban.Vidoc and Floreal vines from a large vine nursery in the Loire Valley, about an hour north. Again, we were very thankful for both family and friends who came to help. My aunt and uncle Marie-Paul and Waldy came to stay for the week, driving 8 hours across France to lend their hands.


After Jon had drilled so many holes with his own machine that he broke the drill bit, we hired a two-man machine which took all Jon and Waldy's strength to manoeuvre, but it got the job done! We generally worked in a team of 6, two on the hole-drilling machine, one preparing vines to plant, one mixing and carrying compost, one making vine protectors and planting.